Musky Shop North Woods Fishing Report: Late October

Fall is here and fishing has been pretty darn good for many species. Most of the lakes have finished with turnover and fish are starting to scatter a bit. For Muskies, we are getting a lot of reports of fish being caught on a variety of lure types.
Our guides are having a good fall. All of them are having good success with their clients’ boating muskies on a regular basis. They all have been quite busy and are very thankful for so many wonderful clients. The knowledge and experience our guide staff have compiled over the many years is quite staggering. They know so many little nuggets that literally can be the difference in catching a musky or not catching a musky. They always do their best to put people on fish.
With Muskies starting to scatter a bit, we are hearing reports that they are holding near rock and gravel in the 14-18 range. Live Musky Suckers have been working very well in these locations.
Some great fall baits to use would be countdown Depth Raiders, Triple D's, and 10” Weighted Suicks.
Muskies will be located near green weeds and near pods of baitfish in main lake basins as well. For the weed and weed edge fish, a good option is to drag a Musky Sucker just off of the weed line then cast over the structure with anything one can work fairly slow and keep above the structure. Shallow and Mid Red October Tubes are great for this.
Casting or trolling are good options for muskies out in the basins. Depth Raiders and Triple D's shine in this presentation for casting and for Trolling a variety of baits like Slammers, Supernatural Headlocks and Mattlocks, Big Fork Reef Diggers, and of course Grandmas are excellent baits for Trolling for basin fish. You might have to poke around a little bit to find muskies' location but once you do the results can be outstanding.
Walleye and panfish are scattering a bit as well. Rock piles, deep gravel will hold these fish. Trolling walleye crankbaits can be really productive using the Rapala F18, as well as, Redtail chubs and Walleye Suckers. For the live bait one can troll, jig, or drop shot. These techniques should be very good choices.
Bass and panfish are holding in or near any green weeds. Slow rolling spinnerbaits and working cranks slowly are very good presentations for bass. Crappie Scrubs and Mini Mites are working great for panfish.
Fall is an awesome time of the year; we hope you find time to get out and enjoy God's creation and catch a bunch of fish. If you need fishing supplies or if we can be of assistance please stop by or contact us as it would be our pleasure to serve you.
God Bless and Good Fishing, Jim Stewart