A New Year's Message from Owner Jim Stewart

Hi Everyone,
I'd like to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation to each and every one of you for your business and support. I am grateful and thankful for each of you. We would not be here without you.
2021 has brought many challenges to all of us but as I look back, I can't help but see our customer base still fired up about Musky Fishing as well as my staff too. Musky Fishing is such a great sport. For myself and I'm sure many of you, thoughts of chasing a Musky at the end of a work day is like listening to a favorite song, it just gets you excited.
Musky Fishing in the Northwoods of Wisconsin was really good in 2021 and looks to just get better and better. There were a lot of big Muskies caught and we heard many exciting stories from of our customers.
I'm already looking forward to Musky Fishing next year and it's only December... Yikes I had better be patient but I really am excited for next season.
I sure hope each of you catch your biggest Musky ever next season.
On behalf of all of us at the Musky Shop we Thank you for all of your business and support, it truly is our honor to serve you. We wish you all a Great 2022.
God Bless, Jim Stewart
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